Friday, November 1, 2013

Congress of Daleks - Hobbledehoy SAL

Before I even started the Congress of Daleks Hobbledehoy SAL, I had a general idea of what I wanted. Well, I knew what I DIDN'T want. I didn't want another super thin 3-ply. I did my last yarn as a "practice", and found that I in fact can spin a bit thicker than normal. It actually proved to be relaxing and satisfying, because instead of filing a bobbin in a week, I filled a bobbin in just a few hours. Whoot!

Congress of Daleks featured about a dozen or so battlings. There were blue, silver/grey, yellow and red little battlings. I split the battlings into two groups with similar colors. 

I decided to do a "fractal" spin. I wanted to divide the fiber in half and spin onto each bobbin. The key with fractal spinning is to fill one bobbin with LONG repeats, and the other with short repeats.

So for the first bobbin, I divided each battling into two pieces and wound each piece into a large fiber ball. This way, it's easy to keep the colors in the same order. Then I spun one ball after the other. Super simple! Here is my first bobbin. The color repeats are longer, because each repeat is half of a battling. 

I tied a bow of scrap yarn around the end to hold it in place. I'm picky like that. I hate it when one end starts to un-twist. 

Anyways, for the second bobbin, I took the remaining battlings and separated each battling into four pieces! You can see them all nice and pretty below. 

I used the same technique and wound four smaller balls of fiber, each with the colors in the same order. I spun each mini-ball in succession onto the second bobbin. This one has shorter repeats, because each repeat is a fourth of a battling. 

It so happens that I had seven colors per the fact that my wheel has seven hooks thrilled the crap out of me. Ahh, simple pleasures. 

The ending result isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I'm still REALLY happy with it. 

I was hoping for some more solid color in the yarn, but it actually turned out really neat. 

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