Thursday, November 7, 2013

Spinning the stash....

My goal recently has been to spin chunkier. I feel like I've done that, which means I've been able to get through my stash much more quickly! I've accepted that yarn does not have to be perfect - bumps and lumps are part of what distinguishes hand-spun from factory-spun. I still try to spin as evenly as possible, but I've had so much fun this past week messing around with color and artsy-ness.

I had 2 Hobbledehoy batts waiting to be spun. So of course, I jumped right in to those! *fangirl*

I started out with "Spoof" - an art batt. Before my chunky-spinning-adventure, I wasn't too "in to" art batts because they are difficult to spin thinly. I picked up Spoof at the Cloverhill Trunk show a little bit back. 

I started by dividing the batt up into somewhat even chunks to make drafting and spinning easier. I love the purple! After only a few hours of spinning (a few hours....*squeeee*) I had a bobbin full of thin and thick singles. 

The hot pink was a denser fiber, so it worked very well to make those thicker. 

I prefer to ply heavier yarn from a center pull ball. It's just easier for me. By the way, I'm in desperate need of a ball-winder that easily takes more than 4 ounces of fiber. 

I also spun Butterfly Wings, and I was so happy with how it turned out. 

On the bobbin...

And skeined...

I just *adore* classic batts. 

I've also gone through some of the de-stash I got on Ravelry. <3

This was a Copperpot Woolies fiber batt. I ended up spinning another chunky yarn - it's not super soft, but it'll make a nice outerwear piece. Maybe a hat, since hats are usually sitting on hair, not super sensitive neck skin. 

I've done so much more, but that is for later bloggity posts. Stay tuned for a special entry on finishing yarn!

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