Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daryl's Ripped Shirt - Hobbledehoy SAL Part 1

 I got a wonderful "present" in the mail the other day.

Heeehehe. Hobbledehoy fiber. I bought two Spin Alongs from her fall SAL. Congress of Daleks and Daryl's Ripped Shirt. I also bought a classic batt and some uncarded destash fiber. I happened to pick these up from my moms house (where I have my packages delivered) on Friday. The BF works on Saturdays, so generally I am home alone on Saturdays. I promised him I'd try to get some housework done, and his exact words were, "No you won't. You have new fiber." FYI - I did get some housework done. 

Naturally, with The Walking Dead on, I started with Daryl's Ripped Shirt. I was a little nervous because Liz was saying that this color way would be very manly. I was actually really happy with the colors, because they are "manly", but they are also very warm and autumn/fall-feeling. I dumped out my Daryl battlings and took a look at what I had to work with. 

I noticed 4 dark brown battlings, 4 light brown battlings, and 4 colored battlings (red, green, orange and tan). I immediately knew I wanted to do a thin single and n-ply for a self-striping yarn. I sat for a little while longer, staring at my fiber. I knew I wanted the colors to repeat dark brown, light brown, color, dark brown, light brown, color, etc. I just didn't know how many repeats of each color I wanted. (BF: "what are you staring at?") Eventually I settled with 2. Knowing I wouldn't be able to keep the order of the colors straight in my head, I split each battling in half, and the wound a ball of the split battlings in the order I wanted. 

There. Each ball has the color repeats above in the same order. The color repeats won't necessarily be very exact, because I wasn't very careful when splitting each battling vertically. I just eyeballed it to make sure there was about the same amount in each half. I can definitely tell there is more red in one half, but that's ok. I won't be making socks or anything that will require precision. I have a tendency to make a TON of yarn and then never use it. 

I'm excited to see how this comes out! Part 2 to follow as soon as it is skeined!

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